Know about the Lili Parikrama of Mount Girnar, which takes place every year in the vicinity of nature. | jaanie giranaar parvat kee lilee parikrama ke baare mein, jo har saal prakrti ke saanidhy mein hotee hai. |

Know about the Lili Parikrama of Mount Girnar, which takes place every year in the vicinity of nature. | jaanie giranaar parvat kee lilee parikrama ke baare mein, jo har saal prakrti ke saanidhy mein hotee hai. | Girnar’s Green Circumambulation. Introduction After Diwali, a four-day tour of the Girnar passage takes place. This circumambulation (Parikrama) of a passage full of greenery has a religious significance, but nature lovers, adventurous youth, and the curious also join it. Hindi... Parikrama Every year, Parikrama takes place after Diwali from Kartak Sud Agiyaras until Poonam. Lili Parikrama (Green Circumambulation) is a walking tour around the mountain range of Girnar. Its distance is 36 km. In ancient times, facilities were limited, so it took four days. At present, walking enthusiasts can complete this circumambulation in a single day. Starting Point The green tour starts from the Girnar foothills in the Bhavnath area of Junagadh, which goes throu...